Fire protection and fire alarm systems

Fire detectors prevent the fire before it can become one.

Fire and smoke alarms detect dangers and alert the fire department.
Fires are usually caused by smoldering fires, triggered by defective electrical appliances or forgotten cigarettes.
Smouldering fires often go unnoticed, but then spread rapidly.
Our fire detection systems are strong in early detection.
They limit damage and save lives.
Whether optical smoke detectors that measure smoke particles using lasers, thermal detectors that sound the alarm if a temperature value is exceeded or fire detectors that detect carbon monoxide before the fire is noticed: Once a fire is detected, they trigger various measures such as the opening or closing of doors and smoke vents or the activation of sprinkler systems. Your advantages

  • Reliable, state-of-the-art fire protection
  • Proven detection systems for fire, smoke or temperature
  • Fire alarm systems with rapid early detection
  • Automatic activation of firefighting measures

Fire test passed: Our fire protection approval from the Association of Cantonal Fire Insurers (VKF).

Everything for your security: We are certified by the Association of Swiss Installers of Security Systems (SES) – the quality brand for security technology.
The SES comprises the leading companies in this sector in Switzerland.
All SES members undertake to comply with a wide range of quality criteria and safety standards.


ESSER New dimensions in fire detection technology
ESSER The right sensor
Esser All the security in the building
Luuta brochure
ESSER Large networked BMA systems
ESSER radio technology
Overview of FlexES fire alarm systems
hifire 4000 BMT" fire alarm system
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