Burglary protection - how to protect yourself.

An investment in your security that pays off.

Burglary protection systems protect homes or business premises against unauthorized entry.
If unauthorized persons enter a building, the system detects this.
An alarm (also with an optical flash) is triggered both inside and outside the building.
This alerts residents and neighbors and deters intruders.
At the same time, an external alarm is triggered via SMS to a cell phone or to a control center.
Private security services or the police are called out.
We analyze your needs and develop solutions tailored to your space.
Whether for apartments or private homes, offices, warehouses or stores: our range includes the right solution for every task. Your advantages

  • State-of-the-art technology for burglary protection
  • Proven products from Telenot
  • Reliable security for doors and windows
  • Effective alarm systems and systems.
  • Live notification on channels that you determine
  • Networking with security service or police possible

Your security is our top priority: we are certified by the Swiss Association of Security System Installers (SES) – the quality brand for security technology.
The SES comprises the leading companies in this sector in Switzerland.
All SES members undertake to comply with a wide range of quality criteria and safety standards.   Protect your property, your employees and visitors and ensure the success of your company.
Find out more about the topic here. Access control 4.0 from Bürgi.com AG.


To the brochure "The compact easy security package"
to the brochure "hiXserver - My home is mine"
to the brochure "hiXserver - Security 4.0 for your company"
to the interview with Sacha Bürgi about hiXserver


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